Have you ever wondered how God chooses leaders? It is an age-old question that has perplexed people for centuries. What makes a leader? What criteria must someone meet in order to be chosen by God? These are questions that many have sought the answers to, yet it remains an unsolved mystery. In this article, we will be taking a closer look at how God chooses leaders and why. We'll uncover the intricacies of what it takes to become a leader chosen by God and what it means to be a leader.
Defining Leadership from a Christian Perspective
In order to understand how God chooses leaders, it is crucial to first define what leadership means from a Christian perspective. The Bible is filled with numerous examples of individuals who were called by God to lead His people, and their stories provide valuable insights into the qualities and characteristics of a biblical leader.
A biblical leader is someone who not only possesses natural talents and abilities but also seeks to align their life and decisions with God's will. They have a deep understanding of the Word of God and are guided by biblical principles in their leadership roles. These leaders exhibit qualities such as humility, integrity, and a servant's heart, putting the needs of others above their own.
Furthermore, a biblical leader is someone who recognizes that their authority comes from God and acknowledges their dependence on Him. They lead with courage, seeking God's wisdom and direction in every decision they make. These leaders are accountable to God, seeking to please Him rather than seeking personal gain or recognition.
Ultimately, biblical leaders understand that their primary goal is not to exalt themselves, but to bring glory to God and advance His kingdom. They lead with compassion, grace, and love, striving to guide others toward a deeper relationship with God. In the following sections, we will delve deeper into the intricacies of how God's sovereignty plays a role in choosing leaders, explore examples of leaders chosen by God in the Bible, and discuss the specific qualities that God looks for in potential leaders.

Understanding God's Sovereignty in Choosing Leaders
J. Oswald Sanders once said that "God is always at work, though we cannot see it, preparing people He has chosen for leadership. When the crisis comes, God fits His appointee into the place ordained for him." This process is not random or haphazard, but rather a deliberate act of God's sovereignty.
Leadership from God is not based on worldly qualifications or achievements, but rather on the heart and character of an individual. God looks beyond the external factors and evaluates the internal qualities of a person. He examines their faithfulness, obedience, and willingness to serve Him and His people.
In the Bible, we see countless examples of God's sovereignty in choosing leaders. From Moses, who was called by God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, to David, who was anointed as king while he was still a shepherd boy, these leaders were not the obvious choices in the eyes of the world. Yet, God saw something in them that made them fit for the task at hand.
Understanding God's sovereignty in choosing leaders means recognizing that it is not about our abilities or qualifications but about God's plan and purpose for our lives. It requires humility and surrender to God's will, allowing Him to shape and mold us into the leaders He wants us to be.
When we embrace God's sovereignty and trust in His guidance, we can have confidence that He will equip us for the leadership roles He has called us to. We can rest in the knowledge that His wisdom and strength will sustain us through every challenge and enable us to fulfill His purposes.

Examples of Leaders Chosen by God in the Bible
The Bible is filled with stories of leaders chosen by God. From Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt to David becoming king of Israel, the Bible is a testament to God's sovereignty in selecting leaders. Abraham, Noah, Jacob, Joseph, Joshua, Samuel, and Nehemiah are just a few of the many leaders in the Bible who were chosen by God to lead his people. These leaders were not always perfect or without flaws, but they were obedient to God's call and trusted in His plan.
In the New Testament, Jesus chose 12 apostles to spread his message and establish the early church. These apostles were ordinary men who were transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. The apostle Paul was also chosen by God to spread the gospel to the Gentiles and plant churches throughout the Mediterranean region.
When God calls you as a leader, it may be in the form of adversity, challenges, or tribulations; look at the life of Joseph who was in slavery and in prison for thirteen years, and Daniel who served various kings in Babylon through the 70 years of the Jewish captivity. However, He also prepares you; God took 80 years to prepare Moses and 3 years with the apostles.
Today, there are still spiritual leaders who are chosen by God to lead His people. These leaders may be pastors, teachers, evangelists, or other ministry leaders. They are individuals who have been called by God to serve His purposes and lead others toward a deeper relationship with him.
Ultimately, God chooses leaders based on their character, their willingness to follow His plan, and their desire to serve His people. As we seek to discern God's will for our own lives, we can look to the examples of leaders in the Bible and trust in God's sovereignty in choosing those who will lead us.
Qualities God Looks for in Leaders
When God chooses leaders, He looks for specific qualities in their character that will enable them to effectively fulfill His purpose. One of the key characteristics that God values in a leader is godly character. A leader with godly character has integrity, humility, and a heart for service. They seek to honor God in everything they do, and their actions are guided by biblical principles. This kind of character sets the foundation for wise decision-making, compassionate leadership, and a strong influence on those around them.
In addition to godly character, God also looks for leaders who possess specific leadership traits. The character of a leader includes being courageous, decisive, visionary, and passionate. They must have a clear understanding of their role and be able to effectively communicate their vision and goals to those they lead. They must also be able to make tough decisions when needed and have the courage to stand up for what is right.
Ultimately, leaders chosen by God must be individuals who have a deep and intimate relationship with Him. They must be committed to seeking His guidance and relying on His wisdom in all aspects of their leadership. By possessing these qualities, they can effectively carry out God's plan and make a positive impact on the lives of those they lead.
How to Seek God's Will for Leadership Roles
Godly leaders are those who are called and chosen by God to lead His people in a specific season. But how can one determine if they are called to be a leader, and how can they seek God's will for their leadership roles? Seeking God's will is essential in discerning if God has chosen someone to be a leader, and it involves surrendering one's own plans and desires to align with God's purposes.
To seek God's will, one should first spend time in prayer and His word, asking for guidance and wisdom. God speaks to His people through prayer and His word, so it is vital to listen to His voice and direction. It is also essential to study the Bible, which contains stories of God's chosen leaders and the qualities He looks for in them. Additionally, seeking wise counsel from godly mentors and leaders can help in discerning God's will.
Finally, embracing God's will for leadership requires faith and trust in His plan. It involves stepping out of one's comfort zone and being obedient to God's calling, even when it may not make sense or seem challenging. As Godly leaders, we must remember that our primary role is to serve and lead His people with humility, wisdom, and love, following His guidance every step of the way.

Embracing God's Calling for Leadership
When we hear the phrase "God calling to lead," it can be intimidating. However, it's important to remember that a call to leadership is not a call to perfection, but a call to obedience. Just like Moses and Gideon in the Bible, who were hesitant to embrace their calling, we may feel inadequate or unqualified. But we must trust that God equips those He calls, and He will guide us every step of the way.
A call to leadership can come in various forms, such as through a prompting in our hearts, recognition from others, or even circumstances that require our leadership. We must discern if this is truly a call from God, by seeking His will through prayer, the Bible and seeking wise counsel from trusted individuals.
Once we have recognized God's call to leadership, we must fully embrace it with humility and surrender. This means being willing to put the needs of others before our own, seeking wisdom and guidance from God, and being willing to make sacrifices for the greater good. As we trust in God's sovereignty and guidance, we can be confident in fulfilling His purposes for us as leaders.
I will close with a final comment to those who think they are not or cannot become a leader. Your leadership potential is not measure by man, but God, and He that is in you, is greater than he that is in the world. In the words of John Quincy Adams, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”
Additional or related reading: The origin of leadership.